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门德尔松小提琴协奏曲 帕尔曼 Perlman 托马斯 旧金山交响 25G

  • 门德尔松小提琴协奏曲 帕尔曼 Perlman 托马斯 旧金山交响 25G
  • 价    格:66
  • 商品库存: 2718 件
  • 品牌:
  • 货号:ba611daeb98
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家知呼蜇谒


 请注意: 高清,普通DVD碟机和DVD电脑光驱无法播放。

San Francisco Symphony at 100
Adams, J:
Short Ride in a Fast Machine
The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Op. 34
Billy the Kid - Suite
Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64
Itzhak Perlman (violin)
San Francisco Symphony, Michael Tilson Thomas
‘San Francisco Symphony at 100’ celebrates the orchestra’s centenary in style.
With Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas at the helm and featuring violinist Itzhak Perlman, the DVD also includes vignettes documenting the orchestra's origins and its first 100 years.
San Francisco Symphony at 100 documents the glorious festivities of the orchestra’s centenary year, celebrated at the orchestra’s extravagant 2011-12 season opening night gala concert. With Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas at the helm, the evening symbolised the orchestra’s heritage, its importance in the life of the city as well as the American and international musical landscape, and highlighted supreme American musicians as well as the virtuosic members of the orchestra. The programme opens and closes with two American compositional giants - Aaron Copland and John Adams. The great violinist Itzhak Perlman unleashes his virtuosity on Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto and the orchestra members shine in Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra.
Interspersed are documentary vignettes - hosted by Amy Tan (author of the famed Joy Luck Club) - tracing the history of the Symphony which like a phoenix rose out of the ashes of the city’s devastating earthquake in 1906, revitalised San Francisco’s cultural life and quickly set the orchestra on the world’s musical stage.
Special Features
Documentary vignettes tracing the San Francisco Symphony’s history. Narrated by Amy Tan. Produced by Janette Gitler.
Blu ray specifications:
Region: Region free
Rating: E (Exempt)
Picture Format: NTSC

Masters of Classical Musi
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(咨询特价)年维也纳夏季音乐会/现场 弗莱明/艾森巴赫
音乐剧 Twin Spirits 双灵/舒曼与克拉
古典吉他 罗德里格/阿兰胡埃兹协奏曲 Pepe R
献给卡门 1997年除夕/新年音乐会 沙汉姆 阿巴
Obsession 弗拉门戈/吉他的浪漫 New
Ingram Washington - What
The Royal Ballet Collecti
普契尼歌剧:波西米亚人 尼尔森/英国皇家歌剧院 中
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The Phantom of the Opera
德语音乐剧 莫扎特 Mozart Das Musi
亚当芭蕾舞剧:吉赛尔 努涅兹/穆塔吉洛夫 英皇/2
Die 12 Cellisten 柏林爱乐12把大
